About Alexander Morse
My name is Alexander Morse, and I like to make things.
I like to make most kinds of things: websites, stories, pictures, games. Some of these, I'm even good at. I also like learning and problem solving — particularly where mathematics and algorithms are involved.
I'm drawn to web development in part because of its capacity for accessibility and self-expression, and in part for the seemingly-infinite stream of technologies and methodologies that can be applied to it. It's exciting to always be learning something new, knowing all the while that someone out there thinks I'm doing it wrong.
I'm not an expert, and I don't pretend to be. But I understand what it means to be a student of a field that is bigger than I am, and I know the exhaustion that comes from trying to reckon with it. If I can make that process even a little easier for someone else, then my efforts will have been worth the struggle.